On-line poradna

get more concrete information 23. 11. 2021

Uživatel: Max Freeman, Téma: HIV a zaměstnání - pro zaměstnavatele, kolegy v práci, personalisty

I have read your site, but some questions are still active and I need more information on them. So, I apologize in advance for disturbing you. My partner and I are planning to move to the Czech Republic and we are both HIV-positive, we are on ART (antiretroviral therapy) and we have an undetectable viral load. I am interested in the following questions: 1. If we move to the Czech Republic on the basis of starting our own business, then we are not entitled to state insurance? If not, can we anonymously enter into private insurance to cover HIV treatment? 2. When we receive a residence permit, will we be able to receive government HIV treatment? 3. If we change our business and work for a different company (not for ourselves), will we be able to get treatment under the employer's insurance, and do we have to notify the employer about our HIV status? 4. Can they fire us if our employer finds out about our HIV status? 5. Must we tell the doctors we visit about our HIV status, for example, if we make an appointment with an ophthalmologist? Thanks for your understanding and responses.

MUDr. Ivo Procházka CSc.

Odpověděl: MUDr. Ivo Procházka CSc., 1. 12. 2021

The antiretroviral treatment is fully covered by the Czech health medical insurance. All legal employees have Czech medical insurance. You just have to tell which health insurance company you prefer (the differences among them are negligible).

If you are self-employed and you want to be insured you have to ask any health insurance company for the Czech health insurance. The medical health insurance companies usually offer you in such situation incomplete (for emergent situation only) health insurance that do not include HIV treatment. And some of them may asked you for HIV test before agreement. We recommend you to keep at the position that you want to have the same health insurance as all Czech citizens. Even it is very expensive (it really is, but it is still cheaper than payment for ART from your pocket), ART generics from the third world are illegal in our country (and whole EU)). Do not look for the commercial insurances they usually do not cover ART. If you will have problem to get health insurance as self-employee, contact us.

Immediatelly with Czech health insurance you can go for free care and treatmend into specialized HIV centers (two in Prague and seven in other big cities).

If you change a job, the new employer will ask for the details of your existing health insurance and it will be transfered.

If you would be fired or mistreated because of your HIV status disclosure, it is a discrimination according the Labor Law (and other legal Acts). You do not need to disclose your HIV status in any job.

You should disclose your HIV status to the medical doctor who provides you the care (even ophtalmologist). It is a long lasting struggle we are fighting to change this part of the law. But even if he/she inform your employers about your ability to work he/she cannot write any of your diagnoses including HIV status.

Obrázek č. 206

Kdy a kde testujeme

Obrázek č. 236



Certifikát za 350 Kč

Máme výbornou zprávu pro všechny cestovatele potřebující certifikát o svém HIV statusu. Některé země stále vyžadují tato potvrzení, aby umožnily dlouhodobý pobyt na svém území nebo k udělení víza pro vstup. Díky spolupráci s novou laboratoří jsme schopni nabídnout certifikáty za 350 korun. Bohužel certifikáty jsme schopni zprostředkovat pouze v našem hlavním checkpointu v Domě světla v Praze. Ostatní checkpointy už certifikáty neposkytují. Více zde.

Podcast Život plus
obrazek PrEPPoint

Kampaň podpory pro zaměstnance žijící s HIV

Obrázek č. 172


Objednání besedy

Pro školy a školská zařízení nabízíme objednání besedy s lektorem . Vyberte si snadno a rychle termín, který Vám vyhovuje nejlépe. Besedy se konají v Domě světla v Praze nebo naši lektoři přijedou za Vámi do školy.

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ČT podporuje ČSAP

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Česká společnost AIDS pomoc, z. s. je s projektem „Vznik a rozvoj Národní asociace pacientských organizací (NAPO)“ příjemcem grantu z fondů EHP2014–2021 v rámci programu Zdraví. Cílem projektu je posílení role pacientů a pozice pacientských organizací ve zdravotnickém sektoru. NAPO je při realizaci projektu vůči ČSAP z pozici partnera. Více informací o aktivitách NAPO najdete na www.silapacientu.cz.

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přispívá na provoz azylového Domu světla, testování a preventivní činnost
a na pomoc uprchlíkům z Ukrajiny v oblasti zdravotnictví (testování, preve-
nce a léčba HIV/AIDS) na území l. m. Prahy pro rok 2023 – UNICEF

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podporuje činnost Domu světla


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darovalo výpočetní techniku a elektroniku

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Odešlete SMS ve tvaru:


na číslo: 87 777
Cena DMS je 30, 60 nebo 90 Kč,
ČSAP obdrží 29, 59 nebo 89 Kč.
Službu Dárcovské SMS zajišťuje
Fórum dárců.

Obrázek č. 212